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How to Help Keep Bugs to a Minimum This Summer

Pest Control in Dubai

As temperatures spike, there’s also an increased chance of getting bit by pesky bugs. What can you do when the critters strike and you’re still trying to make the most of summer? It’s time to take your health and wellness into your own hands, with the help of a professional eco-friendly pest control service in Dubai and Abu Dhabi of course!

We’ve put together this list of tips and tricks to help you keep those bugs at bay this summer, The Healthy Home pest control way.

Keep your home sanitary

We understand that it’s easier said than done, especially if you have pets and small children in your house. No matter how much time you spend cleaning, it never ends. And when there are bugs involved, you need an expert like The Healthy Home to step in to help you maintain a healthy environment. 

Schedule a pest control service in Abu Dhabi and Dubai to take care of the needs of your family so you can focus on other aspects of cleaning and maintenance like:

  • Wipe down all surfaces with a disinfectant at regular intervals. Especially areas you and your family members use often. Whether using eco friendly pest control or detergent, keeping all areas of your house clean is the first step to keeping bugs away.
  • Clean spills as soon as they occur. Most of the time if it is a small stain it is left ignored and it can get sticky, crusty, or moldy fairly quickly. Especially in the summer. Clean these early before the bugs get to them.
  • Cover food items, especially fresh fruit and vegetables that could attract fruit flies and other pests. You especially do not want to attract the attention of larger pests like cockroaches and mice. This is a quick and easy way to keep pests under control.
  • Do not leave water puddles to stand. While keeping the kitchen and bathrooms clean and sanitary is extremely important for your health and wellness, it is just as important to clean the right way. Simply spraying with water and leaving it to air dry can only make matters worse. Humidity and water are breeding grounds for mold as well as pests like mosquitoes. 
  • If your home has a garden or outdoor space, we at The Healthy Home advise you to keep it tidy and clean. Overgrown weeds and bushy growths can attract unwanted bugs and they might even come indoors. It is also helpful to keep outdoor gear from entering the home. Dirty shoes, clothes and equipment can carry dirt and bugs with them.
  • Make sure that all your windows and doors have a net to keep the bugs outside. You might want to keep your windows open for some fresh air in the summer, or maybe the kids and pets run in and out regularly to catch some sun. Set ground rules for keeping the net closed at all times and you will always have a healthy environment. 
  • Take out the trash regularly. Your garbage will attract bugs and pests, so make sure you throw your trash at least once a day and more often if you need to. Declutter your home and dispose of items you don’t require. Stuff that gathers dust and mold will only gather bugs as well. 

While these tips will help you keep pests away, for thorough cleaning and deep sanitization you need to invest in annual pest control for your home. 

Eco-friendly pest control services in Dubai and Abu Dhabi

Curb a bug infestation from the onset with our professional pest control services designed to maintain your health and a safe, healthy environment for your home. We understand how important your family’s health and wellness are for you, and that is why we have produced a clean, green, and eco-friendly way of controlling pests. 

Certified and approved by the national pest management association, Dubai Municipality, and the Green Emirates, our pest control treatments are completely safe for your children, pets, and those living with autoimmune conditions. 

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