deep cleaning services, sanitization services

John Ben

+971 1235 94521

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Pure Trip

Cars, buses, yachts, and planes

Do you know what germs you are traveling with?

For many of us, cars are like our second home. They’re our essential transportation for work, and dropping the kids off at school. We spend so much time in our cars, in fact, that a survey from found that American drivers spend 17,600 minutes behind the wheel each year. That’s equivalent to seven 40-hour work weeks. But despite all that time we spend in the car, very few of us actually keep our vehicles clean. And by clean we don’t just mean an external car wash. The cleanliness of your car interior is more important than many people realize.

The Healthy Home® offers deep cleaning & sanitization solutions while you’re on the move for cars, vans, boats, yachts, and planes. We use the latest eco-friendly natural disinfection technologies to eliminate all harmful germs, odors (smoking odors) and mold from the air and surfaces.


  • Bacteria free environment

  • Safety of Family

  • Allergy & Asthma Relief

Other Recommended Treatments For You

  • Safe Child® Clean and sanitize the child’s room inclusive of mattress, toys, play mats and everything within reach

  • Pure Living® Sofa, carpet & curtain cleaning and sanitization

  • Green Shield® Organic & Green Pest Management & Control

  • Pure Air® Ac duct cleaning

Coming Soon: The Healthy Home® App
Experience The Healthy Home®, your premium choice for home and personal wellness services, where you can select, schedule, and relax while choosing the care your family deserves.